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Madhab Choudhury College,Barpeta

Admission Procedure Related To Higher Secondary Programme:-

  1. Students are admitted to HIGHER SECONDARY PROGRAMME of the college on the basis of merit. In this regards, decision taken by the authority will be the final. For admission, candidates must apply in prescribed format by the stipulated date. The selected candidates must be present in the interview for admission and they must produce the original copies of marksheet of the H.S.L.C. or equivalent examination passed, certificate from the head of the institution last studied in. Student applying for reserve quota must produce the caste certificate of him / her. A selected candidate must get himself/herself admitted on the date of the interview by paying the necessary fees; otherWise he/she will forfeit the seat.
  2. Applications are processed and finalised by the Admission Committee.
  3. Students will collect identity cards on the date of admission.
  4. If any candidate passed the H.S.L.C. or equivalent examination before the current year, he/she must enclose a ‘gap certilicate’ from some competent person with the admission form.
  5. In case of any dispute about any matter concerning admission, the decision of the Principal will be final.

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In the HS. lst year if a student, wishes to change the combination of subjects he / she took up at the time of admission, he / she can apply in a plain paper to the Principal within 15 days from the commencement of classes. Only on reasonable ground such cases may be considered on the basis of merit and availability of seats in the subject (S) the student newly applies for. Candidates must not approach the concerned departments for change of combination of subiects. Application will not be accepted after the stipulated date in any case.
Change of combination of subjects is not allowed in the HS. 2nd year classes, as per the regulations of A.H.S.E.C.

  1. Unsuccessful students of the Higher Secondary Class are generally not considered for regular admission. Of course, in the event of availability of seats, the college authority may consider admitting a few such students on the basis of their earlier academic performances.
  2. Unsuccessful students who want to appear in the examinations conducted by Assam Higher Secondary Education Council again have to seek permission from the Principal by paying a fee in the office of the college (on Principal’s notification) much before the time stipulated for submission of application forms for the examination. Those who have subject(s) with practical have to take admission as casual students and ensure the minimum required attendance in the practical classes.

Admission Procedure Related To T.D.C Programme(Arts/Science):-

  1. Students are admitted to TDC programmes of the college on the basis of merit. In this regards, decision taken by the authority will be the final. For admission, candidates must apply in prescribed format by the stipulated date. The selected candidates must be present in the interview for admission, and they must produce the original copies of marksheet of H.S. or equivalent examination, certificate from the head of the institution last studied in and caste certificate (where applicable). A selected candidate must get himself/herself admitted on the date of the interview by paying the necessary fees; otherwise he/ she will forfeit the seat.
  2. Applications are processed and finalised by the Admission Committee.
  3. Students will collect identity cards on the date of admission.
  4. If any candidate passed the H.S. or equivalent examination before the current year, he/she must enclose a ‘gap certilicate’ from some competent person with the admission form.
  5. In case of any dispute about any matter concerning admission, the decision of the Principal will be final.

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Each Department has a limited number of seats available for students to offer Major in the concerned subject. The Procedure of selecting students to Major course are given below

For Science Stream:
List of provisionally selected candidates for major courses in different subjects will be prepared according to the Theory Marks in the concerned subject in HS examination.

For ARTS Stream:
  1. There will be a selection test for the subjects ASSAMESE, EDUCATION & POLITICAL SCIENCE which will be conducted by the concerned departments. Major aspirants in this three subjects have to appear in the selection test which will be conducted by the concerned department. Date and time, Syllabus and other details of the test will be provided by the Heads of these Departments.
  2. List of provisionally selected candidates in the subjects of ANTHROPOLOGY and GEOGRAPHY will be prepared according to the Theory Marks obtained in the concerned subject in HS examination.
  3. List of provisionally selected candidates in the subjects of ECONOMICS, ENGLISH, HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY and MATHEMATICS will be prepared according to the Theory Marks obtained in the concerned subject in HS examination.


Preparation of Merit list:-

A. For undergraduate course ( Three Year) Science Stream
  1. General merit list of Candidates applying for B. Sc will be prepared according to the marks obtained in final examination conducted by AHSEC or normalized marks with respect to AHSEC for other Boards or Institutions.

B. For undergraduate course ( Three Year) Arts Stream
  1. . General merit list of Candidates applying for BA will be prepared according to the marks obtained in final examination conducted by AHSEC or normalized marks with respect to AHSEC for other Boards or Institutions.
  2. If a Candidate changes stream or want to offer/ seek major course in a subjects not studied in the twelve standard then average marks of the core subjects will be added with the marks of the subject to obtain credit points.

In the T.D.C lst Semester if a student, wishes to change the combination of subjects he / she took up at the time of admission, he / she can apply in a plain paper to the Principal within 15 days from the commencement of classes. Only on reasonable ground such cases may be considered on the basis of merit and availability of seats in the subject (S) the student newly applies for. Candidates must not approach the concerned departments for change of combination of subiects. Application will not be accepted after the stipulated date in any case.

Subject correction and switch over cases from Major to General course is allowed in lst semester only. Student applying for switch over from major to general course need to send the lnfornation immediately before the examination form fill up.


TDC shall be of Six Semesters covering three Calendar Years (Academic Sessions — June to May). The overall duration of the semesters is given below.
  1. Odd Semesters (First, Third and Fifth): June to November
  2. Even Semesters (Second, Fourth and Sixth): December to May Each student must take admission in three (3) consecutive Academic Sessions starting with the first semester. Students who are not enrolled in 2nd Academic Session will not be eligible to take admission in the Third (3rd) Academic Session.

  1. If a student does not appear in a paper (internal or external, theory or practical) in an examination, that student will be considered as failed in the examination of that paper. Any failed paper will be called “Arrear”. In case a student fails in any one or more papers in an end semester examination he can appear in all the papers in which she/he has failed. Under no circumstances he will be allowed to re-appear in the “passed” paper(s).
  2. A student having “Arrear” in external examination, either in theory or practical paper in shall be allowed to clear the same in the next available end-semester examinations, with the following restrictions:
    1. No student will be allowed to appear in the first and the fifth semester examinations simultaneously.
    2. No student will be allowed to appear in the second and the sixth semester examinations simultaneously.
  3. The first and the fifth semester examinations will be held simultaneously. The third semester examinations will be held separately. Similarly the second and the sixth semester examinations will be held simultaneously in the first week of May. The fourth semester examinations will be held separately in the third week of May.
  4. A student may be allowed once to “re-appear” in any one of the major theory papers in the first, the second and the third semester examination for betterment of marks if the candidate secured pass marks in all papers. Students will be allowed to “Re-appear”only in the next similar examination. Whichever is the higher mark obtained between the earlier or in the subsequent examination, will be awarded to the student
  5. No “betterment” shall be allowed in the internal/ practical examinations in any Semester.
  6. A student must pass all her/his semester examinations, including “Arrear” and “betterment” chances within six years from the date of admission to the First Semester course in TDC. If any student fails to do so, she/he will have to take fresh admission in the first semester.
  7. A student who could not appear or failed in any semester examination will be allowed to clear the same as follows:
    1. First semester with regular third semester examinations.
    2. Second semester with regular fourth semester examinations.
    3. Third semester with regular fifth semester examinations.
    4. Fourth semester with regular sixth semester examinations.
  8. There shall be no scope for a student to appear as Private Candidate in any subject in TDC.


The evaluation of each theory paper of any semester is based on the student’s performance in two examinations – (i) Internal and (ii)External. Student’s performance shall be monitored throughout the Semester by continuous assessment in the theory and practical courses. Evaluation of the Student’s performance in each of the theory and the practical paper will be based on the following.
i. Internal Evaluation : 20% Marks
ii. External Evaluation : 80% Marks


The Pass Marks are as follows:
i. Theory Paper : 30%
Practical Paper : 40%
For a student to pass in any paper s/he should pass in both internal and external examinations of each paper (theory and practical) separately. The following rules apply for the Bachelor Degree in any subject with Major.
i). Simple Pass: 30% to 39% marks in aggregate i.e. from a minimum of CGPA 4.00 but less than CGPA 5.00.
ii) Pass with Major: 40% marks or above in aggregate in major subjects i.e. from a minimum of CGPA 5.00.


  1. The marks allotted for internal evaluation in each paper will be based on the following:
    1. Sessional Examination: 50% of the total internal marks of each paper. (Explanation: If internal mark of a subject is 20 then marks of sessional examination will be 10. The sessional examination may be conducted assigning any suitable marks i.e. 20, 40 etc. and calculate the ratio of marks)
    2. Home Assignment, Seminars, Group Discussion, class attendance above 75% or related work depending on the decision of the teachers/college concerned: 50% of the total internal marks of each paper.
  2. There is no provision for “betterment”. In the sessional examination. If a student fails in an internal examination, s/he will be allowed to clear it in the next similar examination conducted by the college.


In case the candidates are not satisfied with their obtained marks in the end semester theory examination results, they may apply for re-scrutiny, photocopy and re-evaluation of their answer script (s) by depositing prescribed fees and following the procedure LAID DOWN BY Gauhati University.


Any switch over from major to general course may be allowed in the first and the second semester only in the same subject.


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